Eggroll Sale is October 4th 2024

Click the link to order Oct 4th Mandoo Egg Roll link

Pick up between 10am and 2pm

The money that has been raised by this project is great and has helped the Church and community in so many ways.  If you would like to order egg rolls, you can call the church office: 695-2101, online order form .Mandoo Egg order Link Click here or email the office: with your name, how many dozen you would like with a phone number in case there are questions for clarification.

The fellowship of making Egg Rolls started with our Korean Minister, Pastor Paul Lim.  We needed to raise money for a parking lot.  Pastor said “I know fundraiser!”  “We ask what?”  He replied “We do Mandoo!”  The Board Members all looked at each other and almost together said “What is MANDOO?”  To which he replied “Oh, You call EGG ROLL”.  So the fun began!

Pastor Paul & Susie Lim were in charge for 3 years, until they left.  Then Floyd & Betty Campbell took over reins for the next 6 years.  But they didn’t just walk away, always there to help.  Bob & Marilyn DuCharme had been part of the group from the beginning, stepped up until 2020.  You can order all the stuff and have things all set up, but if you don’t have a wonderful crew of workers,  YOU REALLY  GOT NOTHING !!!!                        

So our “EGG ROLLS” are ground Beef, ground Pork, Cabbage, Carrots &Onions, And what we call our Korean Sand (Pastor Lim’s recipe) no MSG, no Bean Sprouts.

The Rollers – Guys & Gals (15 – 20  on Friday) come at 9:00am,  Suppliers   (2 to 3 give the Rollers their supplies, so they don’t have to get up) & Packers & Sellers  (2 to3 do just what their Title implies).  It is a great group.  Everyone comes in and does their job, 7 months out of the year. You do not have to commit to all 7 mo., we certainly would like it, but life does call you other places, we might tease you a little.  And you get LUNCH & usually Rollers though around 1 or 1:30.

They sell for $18 a dozen -Small Extra Sauce is $1.00 & Large Sauce is $3.00 we make between 170 – 180 dozen each month. Limit order of 5 dozen each.

The Kitchen Crew is 10-12 vounteers on any given day.  Thursday is vegetable cleaning in the morning (8:30am) and set up the fellowship hall for the workers on Friday and packaging the Sweet Sour Sauce, that one of our Ladies makes each time.  Then they come in at 7:00 Friday morning to start the process.

But the Fellowship that has been derived through the years, is as important  as the money we have made. You can greet and shake hands on Sunday, but setting next to someone making the Egg Rolls for 3 hours, you get a chance to make a Friendship.

The Health Dept. requires your hair covered.   One of the Ladies said “Why can’t we have hats?”  We checked into that and got hats that say “Holy Rollers”.                      

The money that has been raised by this project is great and has helped the Church and community in so many ways.  If you would like to order egg rolls, you can call the church office: 695-2101, online order form or email the office: with your name, how many dozen you would like with a phone number in case there are questions for clarification.